Tollywood Gossip: Playboy director dating playful heroine

New gossip is surfing in Tollywood circles about a playboy director dating an upcoming young heroine. Gossips and rumours are not new about this director. 6 years back when this director stuck a Sankaranti blockbuster, he dated the second heroine of that movie for 3 years. It was heard there was even troubles in his marriage life because of his playboy attitude. Somehow the issue was amicably settled and director left that heroine. She also moved on with her new boyfriend.

Now, again he has started his rasaleela with another young heroine. It seems like he has learnt no lesson from his past. This heroine being very young she has a long way to go. She has at-least a  decade of future left. But with this attitude she is heading no where. Already she is in continuous flops because of her script selection. Already industry is feeling her like a bad sentiment. With this kind of stories cooking up, she needs to do some immediate damage control.

This playboy director is already well established in Tollywood and such a gossip is not going to affect him. But this director is only ruining the careers of young heroines. After his previous dating, that heroine last her place in Tollywood without any good offers. Hope the same doesn’t repeated with this young heroine.

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